As is customary, the Christmases that Dan is not deployed turn into gifting free-for-alls. The Christmases that he is gone, the children have, what I consider to be a *reasonable* amount of gifts. I cannot believe the amount of presents the kids are going to be receiving this year. I try to steer the kids away from the commercial aspect of Christmas, but this year, it ain't happening. Daddy really likes buying gifts. A lot.
I got to spend a blissful afternoon window shopping, (Well, I *did* buy a pair of "rapper's girlfriend" silver hoop earrings that I like an whole lot.) browsing at the bookstore, and getting my hair cut and colored. Ahhhh....I feel human again.
I decided that I should do my grocery shopping tonight, went up to the local Walmart and there was NO ONE THERE. I was shocked. I did my shopping, and on my way out was wished a Merry Christmas by the Apache Junction Mounted Rangers atop their gigantic horses. (Horses looked cold.)
The Duncans stopped by earlier while I was out. They all wore out all of the kids by launching kickballs at them for a couple of hours. Faith's leg hurts from kicking. Poor woosie girl, just like her mama. They brought us a wonderful gingerbread house kit and a gift certificate for the movies! We are so excited and thankful for the gift and for them.
I rented "Rush Hour 3" for our "date night". We really thought the first two were funny, so hopefully this one will be good, too.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Friday, November 2, 2007
Shining Moment in Parenting
Last weekend, Bubby fell backwards off the swingset, into the sharp gravel beneath. He had a lovely, blood-gushing headwound. Of course, he wouldn't let me wash the blood out of his hair, so he looked like something fit for the upcoming Halloween holiday. (I started calling him "Headwound Harry", after a Halloween decoration I had seen last year...) He was also sporting a VERY red, chapped face. Instead of using a tissue, he just smears his snot all over his face. By evening, his cold was getting worse and we no longer had a humidifier.
I decided to take Headwound Harry with his chapped face to Target to buy a humidifier. (Daddy was out of town with the army.) I plunked him in the seat of the cart and Sissy started pushing him. Things were going pretty well. I was looking at something, when I heard Sissy yell. "BUBBY!!!! You kicked me in the NUTS!!!!" Apparently, he had been swinging his legs and kicked her where it counts. I stifled my laughter and explained to Sissy that girls did not have "nuts", nor was "nuts" a nice word. She was embarassed, and said "Okay".
Bubby has this new fixation with proving his sister wrong. Very competitive boy. He screamed at the TOP OF HIS LUNGS: "SISSY! GIIIIRRRRRLS DOOOOOON'T HAAAAAAVE NUUUUUTS!!!!!" in a very, smug way.
The whole store stopped moving. A pin dropping could have been heard. There were eyes on us. Other parents glaring at me. Headwound Harry with the chapped face was a site to behold BEFORE he screamed out that gem. I could just read the minds of the other parents, "Look at that mess of a child! And his dirty mouth to match!" I wanted to sink into the floor, but instead I had to focus on not falling in heap of laughter.
Both children later asked me: What *ARE* nuts anyway???? This was a good lesson for them not to say things if you don't know what they mean.
Parenthood: What a humbling experience.
I decided to take Headwound Harry with his chapped face to Target to buy a humidifier. (Daddy was out of town with the army.) I plunked him in the seat of the cart and Sissy started pushing him. Things were going pretty well. I was looking at something, when I heard Sissy yell. "BUBBY!!!! You kicked me in the NUTS!!!!" Apparently, he had been swinging his legs and kicked her where it counts. I stifled my laughter and explained to Sissy that girls did not have "nuts", nor was "nuts" a nice word. She was embarassed, and said "Okay".
Bubby has this new fixation with proving his sister wrong. Very competitive boy. He screamed at the TOP OF HIS LUNGS: "SISSY! GIIIIRRRRRLS DOOOOOON'T HAAAAAAVE NUUUUUTS!!!!!" in a very, smug way.
The whole store stopped moving. A pin dropping could have been heard. There were eyes on us. Other parents glaring at me. Headwound Harry with the chapped face was a site to behold BEFORE he screamed out that gem. I could just read the minds of the other parents, "Look at that mess of a child! And his dirty mouth to match!" I wanted to sink into the floor, but instead I had to focus on not falling in heap of laughter.
Both children later asked me: What *ARE* nuts anyway???? This was a good lesson for them not to say things if you don't know what they mean.
Parenthood: What a humbling experience.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
They did the mash.....

This year, we had Operation Overdrive Power Rangers "Blue Ranger"....and Dorothy with Toto, complete with ruby red slippers!
Blue Ranger was still quite under the weather, so he only trick or treated around our little cul de sac. Dorothy took Toto (and Daddy) quite a distance in the subdivision. She returned with a full bucket to share with the Blue Ranger.
Our first Halloween in our little house was a good one. It was fun setting up the display out front. I plan to add to it a little each year!
It's Halloween!!

Daddy and Sissy will brave the crowds for some trick or treating, while I pass out candy and Emilio watches from the couch. Last night, the school sponsored a Trick or Treat night. Each teacher passed out candy from her room, and there were hotdogs and some activities. Bubby was barely alive, but I took him up there for an hour in his costume. (Unfortunately, I forgot the camera. Bad mother.)
Our puppies are in their pumpkin costumes, ready to bark at all of the strangers coming up our walk tonight!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Yesterday, I buckled down and did some painting in Faith's room. I plan to do some more today, and hopefully finish it tomorrow.
The shipments from Gap and LandsEnd came, filled to the brim with new school clothes for the upcoming school year. Faith could use a couple more pairs of long pants and athletic shoes. Other than that, I am pretty much *done*. It only cost a couple of hundred dollars this year because I shopped some major clearance sales. I have to set to work washing all of the new clothes and hanging them in the closets later.
The last session of swimming lessons is underway. Both of the kids made a lot of progress this year with their swimming. They really enjoyed their lessons. I am not enjoying sitting out in the sticky heat. It's humid out now and miserable. It didn't rain out here, but did rain in a number of locations last night. We had a bit of clouds and thunder nearby, but for the most part, the first monsoon storm of the year passed us by. It was actually closer to our *old* house, which is funny. When we moved out here, we were looking foward to catching some good storms since we are so far out east. Oh well, maybe we will catch the next one. The wind did knock over our patio umbrella and table last night, so I guess that's something!
The shipments from Gap and LandsEnd came, filled to the brim with new school clothes for the upcoming school year. Faith could use a couple more pairs of long pants and athletic shoes. Other than that, I am pretty much *done*. It only cost a couple of hundred dollars this year because I shopped some major clearance sales. I have to set to work washing all of the new clothes and hanging them in the closets later.
The last session of swimming lessons is underway. Both of the kids made a lot of progress this year with their swimming. They really enjoyed their lessons. I am not enjoying sitting out in the sticky heat. It's humid out now and miserable. It didn't rain out here, but did rain in a number of locations last night. We had a bit of clouds and thunder nearby, but for the most part, the first monsoon storm of the year passed us by. It was actually closer to our *old* house, which is funny. When we moved out here, we were looking foward to catching some good storms since we are so far out east. Oh well, maybe we will catch the next one. The wind did knock over our patio umbrella and table last night, so I guess that's something!
Friday, July 13, 2007
Tag!! I'm it!
A fun blogger named Chel is tagging everyone for a "meme" about Me and Hubby. Here goes mine:
#1: His full name is Danilo. I refer to him as "Dan" to other people. I have never called him by name in 13 years of marriage, because I can't figure out which name I should call him. So, he is "Hon" most of the time. He calls me "Hon" or "Ames".
#2: We really like to sit and watch "Jackass" reruns together when the kids go to bed.
#3: He gets really mad when he finds half-finished cans of coke in the house. I pretend I don't hear him when he complains about it.
#4: We never took a honeymoon or a vacation. We figure it will happen when the kids are grown.
#5: We don't like sharing covers in bed. He has his, and I have mine. Everyone is happy.
#6: He makes the coffee in the mornings. I never make it right.
#7: We are activity-opposites. He can't sit still and loves to work out. I could sit still all day, and workout only so that I still look good.
#8: I am his memory. I remember names, faces, places and dates for him. He cannot locate his wallet or keys without effort. Some of his fellow soldiers call me his "personal secretary" because I keep his life in order for him. My favorite times are the ones where he doesn't remember the name of a person that *HE* knows and I have never met. I will remember the name from just his mentioning the person and have to tell him.
#9: I love my hubby. We have been through all sorts of trials over the last 13 years, but I wouldn't change a moment of it because of where we have ended up!!
#1: His full name is Danilo. I refer to him as "Dan" to other people. I have never called him by name in 13 years of marriage, because I can't figure out which name I should call him. So, he is "Hon" most of the time. He calls me "Hon" or "Ames".
#2: We really like to sit and watch "Jackass" reruns together when the kids go to bed.
#3: He gets really mad when he finds half-finished cans of coke in the house. I pretend I don't hear him when he complains about it.
#4: We never took a honeymoon or a vacation. We figure it will happen when the kids are grown.
#5: We don't like sharing covers in bed. He has his, and I have mine. Everyone is happy.
#6: He makes the coffee in the mornings. I never make it right.
#7: We are activity-opposites. He can't sit still and loves to work out. I could sit still all day, and workout only so that I still look good.
#8: I am his memory. I remember names, faces, places and dates for him. He cannot locate his wallet or keys without effort. Some of his fellow soldiers call me his "personal secretary" because I keep his life in order for him. My favorite times are the ones where he doesn't remember the name of a person that *HE* knows and I have never met. I will remember the name from just his mentioning the person and have to tell him.
#9: I love my hubby. We have been through all sorts of trials over the last 13 years, but I wouldn't change a moment of it because of where we have ended up!!
I can add. I swear.
I just looked at my latest entry. I said it had been two months since I last blogged. Whoops. April to July is *three* months. Duh.
I am alive. Really, I am!
It's now been *two* months since I last blogged. It's been a busy two months. First of all, we sold our townhouse and bought a nice house with a yard! And.....I could just go on and on. We are very happy here!
I must say that I hate moving. I hate change. I don't know that "hate" is a strong enough word. I just do. not. do. well. Now that we've lived here in the new place a couple of months, I am starting to feel my groove come back.
We ended up buying a house so east in Mesa that--( Shhhh!!! *ouraddressisApacheJunction*. Shhhhhh!!!!) I had never been there, never wanted to go there,now my addy is there. Here's the thing: I really like where we are located. It's a newer area. Very quiet and peaceful. It's cooler here than further west. (I swear, it's cooler and it's really weird.) Our property is enormous. We have plenty of room to build onto the house *and* put in a pool! (And still have a backyard.) The yard is nicely landscaped right now, so we can just leave it alone until we are ready.
Dan has assured me that soon Mesa will take over our area and our address will change to Mesa. I honestly think that was a ploy to get me here. Bwahahahaha! EVIL DAN. To his credit, that has happened in a few newer developments out this way.
There is a new SuperTarget going in a mile and a half away. I want to know when they plan on building, because my Target card is READY. (I really dislike the Target over at Superstition Springs, which is the closest one right now.) I love the Las Sendas Target, so I sometimes make the trek up there.
All of my time is spent pondering how to decorate and organize our new space. Is it sad that our family room will be the same color it was at the other house because I love that color so much? The kitchen is still up for grabs, but it's a nice neutral taupe right now, so it can wait. (The whole house is that color, and it's *okay*, but I can't wait to put my personal touches here.)
Faith picked out her bedroom color: Blue Sapphire. It's a light, violet blue. It picks up the color from her kitty quilt my mother made her. We are going with the black wrought-iron accents in her room. I started painting in there, and really need to buckle down and finish it so I can start painting the rest of the house.
I will probably get more done painting-wise when the kids go back to school. We are giving the elementary school up the street a try. We have actually heard good things about it. I plan to be super-involved in both classrooms this year, just as I was the past two years. I think kids can thrive at any school if there is good parental involvement. Emilio will be a half-day kindergartener this year. I am glad to not have to give him up all day long yet. :)
I fell off the health wagon the past couple of months with the stress of the move. While selling and moving, it was "eat whatever you can grab" and I feel sluggish and bloated now. I joined the brand new AJ recreational center to use the gym and I love it. My favorite part is the indoor walking track with gorgeous views of the mountains all the way around. Going there will be a 5 day a week thing once the kids are back in school! I can't wait!
I must say that I hate moving. I hate change. I don't know that "hate" is a strong enough word. I just do. not. do. well. Now that we've lived here in the new place a couple of months, I am starting to feel my groove come back.
We ended up buying a house so east in Mesa that--( Shhhh!!! *ouraddressisApacheJunction*. Shhhhhh!!!!) I had never been there, never wanted to go there,now my addy is there. Here's the thing: I really like where we are located. It's a newer area. Very quiet and peaceful. It's cooler here than further west. (I swear, it's cooler and it's really weird.) Our property is enormous. We have plenty of room to build onto the house *and* put in a pool! (And still have a backyard.) The yard is nicely landscaped right now, so we can just leave it alone until we are ready.
Dan has assured me that soon Mesa will take over our area and our address will change to Mesa. I honestly think that was a ploy to get me here. Bwahahahaha! EVIL DAN. To his credit, that has happened in a few newer developments out this way.
There is a new SuperTarget going in a mile and a half away. I want to know when they plan on building, because my Target card is READY. (I really dislike the Target over at Superstition Springs, which is the closest one right now.) I love the Las Sendas Target, so I sometimes make the trek up there.
All of my time is spent pondering how to decorate and organize our new space. Is it sad that our family room will be the same color it was at the other house because I love that color so much? The kitchen is still up for grabs, but it's a nice neutral taupe right now, so it can wait. (The whole house is that color, and it's *okay*, but I can't wait to put my personal touches here.)
Faith picked out her bedroom color: Blue Sapphire. It's a light, violet blue. It picks up the color from her kitty quilt my mother made her. We are going with the black wrought-iron accents in her room. I started painting in there, and really need to buckle down and finish it so I can start painting the rest of the house.
I will probably get more done painting-wise when the kids go back to school. We are giving the elementary school up the street a try. We have actually heard good things about it. I plan to be super-involved in both classrooms this year, just as I was the past two years. I think kids can thrive at any school if there is good parental involvement. Emilio will be a half-day kindergartener this year. I am glad to not have to give him up all day long yet. :)
I fell off the health wagon the past couple of months with the stress of the move. While selling and moving, it was "eat whatever you can grab" and I feel sluggish and bloated now. I joined the brand new AJ recreational center to use the gym and I love it. My favorite part is the indoor walking track with gorgeous views of the mountains all the way around. Going there will be a 5 day a week thing once the kids are back in school! I can't wait!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Where did the month go??
A whole month has gone by since my last entry. Lots has happened since then. Dh is back from Iraq! For good! (We hope...)
The adjustments around the house are difficult, as to be expected. Everyone's world has been turned topsy-turvy, and it takes some time to get used to the changes. Lots of laughter seems to be the best way to make the transition. That, and patience.
Everytime Dh returns from a long deployment, I go through a period of time where I just sit. Just. Sit. He sort of "takes over" because I am busy sitting. In a stupor. It's almost as if my mind and body needs some time after being a single parent for so long. I know that he feels that he has caused me to shut down, but it's that his presence has *allowed* me to shut down! He's been here for a week, and I am beginning to feel very guilty about the piles of laundry he has done, the dishes he has washed and the children he has bathed. It's time for Mommy to "come back".
I joined the gym on Monday. Did some cardio for about 20 minutes, got very tired. Did some weight machines for about 20 minutes. Got more tired. Came home and SLEPT in the early evening, was up for a couple of hours and then went back to sleep for the night at 10 PM. I am sore where I didn't even exercise!! It's pathetic how out of shape I am!! Yesterday, we walked while the kids rode their bikes. I slept like I was dead and woke up sore again! I promised myself I would go to the gym at *least* every other day, so I am hauling my sore old body over there later this morning.
I also rejoined Weight Watchers online. I was doing it before I got pregnant last fall, and it really helped me eat heathfully, remember my water, etc.... I think it will be good for me again.
And, in the spirit of self improvement, I would like to do more spiritual reading and more time for prayer. That isn't coming along as well as the exercise, but one thing at a time, right?
The adjustments around the house are difficult, as to be expected. Everyone's world has been turned topsy-turvy, and it takes some time to get used to the changes. Lots of laughter seems to be the best way to make the transition. That, and patience.
Everytime Dh returns from a long deployment, I go through a period of time where I just sit. Just. Sit. He sort of "takes over" because I am busy sitting. In a stupor. It's almost as if my mind and body needs some time after being a single parent for so long. I know that he feels that he has caused me to shut down, but it's that his presence has *allowed* me to shut down! He's been here for a week, and I am beginning to feel very guilty about the piles of laundry he has done, the dishes he has washed and the children he has bathed. It's time for Mommy to "come back".
I joined the gym on Monday. Did some cardio for about 20 minutes, got very tired. Did some weight machines for about 20 minutes. Got more tired. Came home and SLEPT in the early evening, was up for a couple of hours and then went back to sleep for the night at 10 PM. I am sore where I didn't even exercise!! It's pathetic how out of shape I am!! Yesterday, we walked while the kids rode their bikes. I slept like I was dead and woke up sore again! I promised myself I would go to the gym at *least* every other day, so I am hauling my sore old body over there later this morning.
I also rejoined Weight Watchers online. I was doing it before I got pregnant last fall, and it really helped me eat heathfully, remember my water, etc.... I think it will be good for me again.
And, in the spirit of self improvement, I would like to do more spiritual reading and more time for prayer. That isn't coming along as well as the exercise, but one thing at a time, right?
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Diva in Training
Mama: "Sissy, are you ready to put your book away and get tucked in?"
Sissy: "No, I am having 'ME TIME'!!"
Mama: Inwardly cursing herself for all of the times she said those words outloud.
Sissy: "No, I am having 'ME TIME'!!"
Mama: Inwardly cursing herself for all of the times she said those words outloud.
He went "at himself"....
Bubby was invited to a birthday party this past week. The birthday boy was a younger sib of one of Sissy's classmates. He and this boy will be in Kindergarten together in the fall, so I encourage the friendship now, to give him some familiarity later when school starts.
When told that Mama wouldn't be at the party, and asked if he still wanted to go, he exclaimed, "I will go AT MYSELF!" proudly. I was shocked, thrilled, and yes. A little sad. There is something both exasperating and heart warming about a little boy that doesn't want to leave Mama's side. Those apron strings audibly snapped that day as I watched him scamper off with all of the other little tiny boys to play.
(Just so you don't feel too sorry for me, 7 year old Sissy was practically in tears over me leaving the party and sat glumly until I returned. Apparently my apron is still snugly tied with this one.)
When told that Mama wouldn't be at the party, and asked if he still wanted to go, he exclaimed, "I will go AT MYSELF!" proudly. I was shocked, thrilled, and yes. A little sad. There is something both exasperating and heart warming about a little boy that doesn't want to leave Mama's side. Those apron strings audibly snapped that day as I watched him scamper off with all of the other little tiny boys to play.
(Just so you don't feel too sorry for me, 7 year old Sissy was practically in tears over me leaving the party and sat glumly until I returned. Apparently my apron is still snugly tied with this one.)
Nothing says good morning like......
garlic salt spilled all over the kitchen floor. The glorious reign of my beautiful, magnetic spice canisters has come to an end. Smoky, while leaping for the top of the fridge, knocked a bunch down and some broke. This isn't the first time that many have fallen during a wild, kitty chase. They finally just started breaking.
Back to the drawing board. I do love a good organizational challenge. Even when it's feline-induced.
Stay tuned....
Back to the drawing board. I do love a good organizational challenge. Even when it's feline-induced.
Stay tuned....
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Sunday, March 4, 2007
Exasperation, Sissy-Style...
I bought a white, woodframed chalkboard for the kitchen wall. It's for me to write grocery lists and reminders. The kids, of course, had to try it out as soon as I hung it up.
A little later on, I was dancing around the kitchen, listening to my MP3 player. I was getting down with my bad self. I'll admit that I was being totally obnoxious. I looked over at the chalkboard, and in small, childish handwriting was written, "Kut itout For the Love of pet"
(I yell "for the love of Pete" in exasperation quite often. I guess it's caught on...)
A little later on, I was dancing around the kitchen, listening to my MP3 player. I was getting down with my bad self. I'll admit that I was being totally obnoxious. I looked over at the chalkboard, and in small, childish handwriting was written, "Kut itout For the Love of pet"
(I yell "for the love of Pete" in exasperation quite often. I guess it's caught on...)
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Mind-altering candy, Anyone?
Next door neighbor came over with goody bags for the kids on Valentine's Day. Each night, they go through the bags and decide which piece to choose. (This process takes longer than one might imagine.) Being the lazy mother that I am, I told them to eat the candy that we know to be gluten free first. When that is all gone, I will check out the other stuff online to see if they can have it.
Each evening when the goody bags are out and the candy is strewn all over the living room rug, intense negotiations are happening. "Have this one!" "No! THIS one!" "Is that one gluten free?" I kept hearing something about "funny" and "laughing", but again, if no one is on fire or bleeding, it takes a lot for me to ask what is going on.
There is a great deal of excitement each morning for Bubby, thinking about how he gets to choose another candy later in that day. (The daily life of a preschooler is simple, yet so full of serious things to ponder.) This morning, in the van, (our best conversations always occur in our van) he said, "Mama! I want to try the candy that will make me giggle! Will you check to see if it is gluten free???" I was perplexed. I said, "What candy???" I had no clue what he was talking about. He just kept insisting that there was this candy in that bag that would make him giggle! He was very, very excited about trying this! I was suggesting different candies that I knew he had in the bag and enjoyed very much. "Nerds?" I asked. No. "M&Ms?" No. I was stumped. Finally, a lightbulb went off in my head. "Laffy Taffy???????" He said, "YES! Mama! LAFFY TAFFY! It will MAKE YOU GIGGLE!" He was totally serious, Folks.
Quick! Alert the media! WillyWonka candies is now manufacturing MIND ALTERING candy for our youth. (It's really the parents that need it. I need to have a secret stash for those really rough days at home with the kids. I will eat it and just sit in a chair and giggle uncontrollably for hours! Sounds like a plan.)
Effeminate "piggies"...
Bubby and Mama enjoy storytime on Thursday mornings. Today's story had something to do with fingers and piggies. I can't explain it better, because I wasn't paying any attention during the story. I was staring, half-dazed at a light fixture across the store. (The sheer excitement of sitting quietly with no child demanding my attention put me into a sort of stupor.)
Craft time is Bubby's favorite part. The craft always goes along with the book-of-the-day's theme. Today, they were to trace their handprint. Cut out handprint. Glue handprint onto construction paper. After that, they were to color pre-drawn piggies. Cut out piggies. Glue piggies onto fingertips of handprint. The end.
It's not that Bubby can't follow directions. He just had to put his own interpretive spin on the project. He needed to draw a pig freehand, and cut and paste that pig too. (The pre-drawn pigs just simply weren't going to be enough for him.) I hadn't bothered to oversee what he was doing. I was now staring blankly at the chair in front of mine. (If no one needs my immediate attention, I sort of get set on "hibernate mode", like a computer. I am still turned on, but not in use. I am conserving electricity.) It came time to cut out all of the various objects and glue them on the paper. Bubby kept insisting that the predrawn (and his freehand pig) not be ANYWHERE NEAR his handprint. Whatever Dude. Just finish your project already. When he finished the fun with his gluestick, he presented his page to me. My son drew fingernail polish on his handprint. Not just *one* shade of "polish", mind you. TWO different shades, artistically applied the same way to each of the "nails". I was trying not to laugh when he proudly showed it to the storytime leader. She looked at it and then quickly at me. I shrugged. She smiled and told Bubby how beautiful the picture was.
Later, in the van, he was talking about how much he looooooooves his art project. I said, "Yeah! I really like how you put nail polish on your fingers!!" He was quiet for a moment, you could almost hear the wheels spinning in his little head. "Mama, those are *YOUR* fingers....." Um, yeah. Sure. Nice save, Kiddo. What can I say? My boy likes things to be embellished. Even "piggies".
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Product Review!

I hate sponges. I really, really do. I think they are disgusting, although I have never been able to decide exactly *what* makes them disgusting. Paper towels are fine, but they are expensive. I always feel oddly extravagant while busting through one roll of paper towels during a morning of cleaning. (I feel the same way with the antibacterial wipes. They are just wonderful, but I feel wasteful when I use them.)
While on my weekly shopping trip to Sam's Club, (I can't stay away from that place) I happened upon these great, reuseable and washable dishrags that are used in food service situations. I feel that I feed a community of people most days, even though I am only feeding two small children, so something that is designed for "food service" would seem appropriate for my kitchen. I bought a package of 25 for under 7 dollars. I was skeptical at how well they would wear, but decided to give them a try.
One week has gone by, and I have been using these rags for washing dishes, wiping counters and cupboard fronts, scrubbing floors, appliances and walls. I used them to clean the dining room table and chairs after meals. I really love how clean my kitchen floor seems after scrubbing with these clothes and a bucket of hot soapy water. A much better job than my mop does!
They have been washed and rewashed. The rags have held up remarkably well. I have tried similar products that I purchased in the cleaning aisle of Walmart and wasn't impressed with the durability of the ones there. These "food service" quality rags are wonderful! I keep them washed and folded in the cupboard next to my sink. It's so handy to grab a fresh one when needed! I toss the used ones in a little bucket outside in the laundry room until I have enough for a little load, when I wash them in hot water with bleach and some detergent.
(For you fellow readers with a phobia of germs, I am not sure how I feel about using a rag that has been used for scrubbing my floor in my dishpan. They are washed and bleached to oblivion in between uses, so it's probably fine. I am thinking of having a stack that I use for cleaning and a stack that I use for dishes. That's probably the best solution.)
There! My first mundane product review! I swear, I am not a boring loser. Really, I am not.
First Post!!!!

Since I want this blog to be a place where I can shamelessly boast about things I accomplish around the house, I thought I would post a picture of the result of the "Spice dilemma of '06-'07". I have been having a hard time figuring out how to store spices in a way that was convenient. I finally spent way too much money at and found the perfect white, magnetic canisters. My poor friends over at the NFP board had to smile and nod as I posted this picture and beamed with delight. (They are extremely good sports.)
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