Wednesday, October 31, 2007

It's Halloween!!

The outside of the house is decorated, the pumpkin is carved, the candy is ready. And, Bubby is sick. He isn't happy about missing trick or treat, but I think that everyone can remember at least one holiday, growing up, that they missed out on because of illness. (Mine was Christmas, and I had a similar plague had befallen me as has my son.)

Daddy and Sissy will brave the crowds for some trick or treating, while I pass out candy and Emilio watches from the couch. Last night, the school sponsored a Trick or Treat night. Each teacher passed out candy from her room, and there were hotdogs and some activities. Bubby was barely alive, but I took him up there for an hour in his costume. (Unfortunately, I forgot the camera. Bad mother.)

Our puppies are in their pumpkin costumes, ready to bark at all of the strangers coming up our walk tonight!

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