Monday, October 19, 2009

The agenda for the day

Joaquin has decided that the best place to spend the day is here. Snuggled with his mama. I couldn't agree with him more.

The dirty dishes, unfolded laundry and dust can all just be quiet.

I am most supremely blessed.

Been a little busy.....

I wish I had had the energy to blog throughout Joaquin's NICU stay, but I didn't. Oh well. I am picking up where we are now. At home.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Joaquin--2 days old and a movie star!!

We arrived early Friday morning, as Dan had given consent for Joaquin to be featured in a documentary for the hospital about the equipment and technology that was being used on him to hopefully save his life.

My milk was starting to come in, and moms know what a precarious hormonal stage that is, so I cried the whole way through the filming, having to listen in cold, clinical terms, of just how sick my baby was. I knew how sick he was, but having strangers talk about it felt cruel.

His doctor was featured in the documentary. She saw me out of the corner of her eye and stopped in the middle to touch my knee. She came and sat with me afterward. She gave me understanding and encouragement during her extremely hectic day. These doctors and nurses are some of the most caring people that I have ever witnessed in action. Dr. Carvallo is hoping that eventually I will understand that there was truly nothing I could have done to prevent this. That I did the best I could with the information that I had. I think that complete acceptance of this may take years.

Joaquin's second day on ECMO was a typical one, according to his technician. Lots of adjusting of pressures, medications and dosages. Mostly an uneventful day with his body and mind fully at rest. His brain ultrasound showed no brain bleeding. That is the riskiest thing about ECMO therapy, so I hold my breath everyday when the test is performed.

The updates I got by phone were positive in the evening, and I actually rested a little bit easier. I think my heart needs to heal as much as my body, if not more. Having that little bundle out of my belly and all the way in the hospital isn't comprehensible to me, yet it's happening.

Joaquin Danilo has arrived!

At 11:46 AM on Wednesday, August 26, 2009, Joaquin Danilo was born. He immediately coded, needed intubation and was helicoptered to the NICU at Phoenix Children's Hospital.

He was 9lbs 40z, and we aren't sure about his length because his medical team can't move him right now. (He's long!)

Grandma Crusher stayed the night at PCH with him, while they poked, prodded and tried to stabilize him. He just wasn't able to be stabilized. It became clear that his best chance was with an ECMO procedure and machine. (Heart/Lung Bypass Machine) The machine gives his very sick heart and lungs the rest they need to hopefully heal themselves.

Early Thursday morning, Joaquin underwent the procedure to place the cannula in his neck to be connected to the ECMO machine. The doctors were pleased with his labs after being connected.

I was able to leave Mercy Gilbert and go to PCH early Thursday afternoon. Danilo had been scheduled to fly to Afghanistan on Thursday evening, but instead was allowed to fly to Phoenix to be with Joaquin for 14 days. He was there when I arrived at the hospital.

Words cannot describe the emotions of seeing my baby like that. The fact that he would die without the equipment was very overwhelming. We stayed at the hospital as long as I could, but I needed rest. I was nearly delirious from stress and lack of sleep.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Six days......

Six days until we find out if this precious baby is a boy or a girl! I am so jazzed about baby girl clothes this time. I can't stand how cute they all are!! I really, really, really think Baby is a girl! (Dan thinks Baby is a boy!)

Come on, Ainsley! :) (Her name if she's a girl!)