Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Yesterday, I buckled down and did some painting in Faith's room. I plan to do some more today, and hopefully finish it tomorrow.

The shipments from Gap and LandsEnd came, filled to the brim with new school clothes for the upcoming school year. Faith could use a couple more pairs of long pants and athletic shoes. Other than that, I am pretty much *done*. It only cost a couple of hundred dollars this year because I shopped some major clearance sales. I have to set to work washing all of the new clothes and hanging them in the closets later.

The last session of swimming lessons is underway. Both of the kids made a lot of progress this year with their swimming. They really enjoyed their lessons. I am not enjoying sitting out in the sticky heat. It's humid out now and miserable. It didn't rain out here, but did rain in a number of locations last night. We had a bit of clouds and thunder nearby, but for the most part, the first monsoon storm of the year passed us by. It was actually closer to our *old* house, which is funny. When we moved out here, we were looking foward to catching some good storms since we are so far out east. Oh well, maybe we will catch the next one. The wind did knock over our patio umbrella and table last night, so I guess that's something!

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