Friday, July 13, 2007

I am alive. Really, I am!

It's now been *two* months since I last blogged. It's been a busy two months. First of all, we sold our townhouse and bought a nice house with a yard! And.....I could just go on and on. We are very happy here!

I must say that I hate moving. I hate change. I don't know that "hate" is a strong enough word. I just do. not. do. well. Now that we've lived here in the new place a couple of months, I am starting to feel my groove come back.

We ended up buying a house so east in Mesa that--( Shhhh!!! *ouraddressisApacheJunction*. Shhhhhh!!!!) I had never been there, never wanted to go there,now my addy is there. Here's the thing: I really like where we are located. It's a newer area. Very quiet and peaceful. It's cooler here than further west. (I swear, it's cooler and it's really weird.) Our property is enormous. We have plenty of room to build onto the house *and* put in a pool! (And still have a backyard.) The yard is nicely landscaped right now, so we can just leave it alone until we are ready.

Dan has assured me that soon Mesa will take over our area and our address will change to Mesa. I honestly think that was a ploy to get me here. Bwahahahaha! EVIL DAN. To his credit, that has happened in a few newer developments out this way.

There is a new SuperTarget going in a mile and a half away. I want to know when they plan on building, because my Target card is READY. (I really dislike the Target over at Superstition Springs, which is the closest one right now.) I love the Las Sendas Target, so I sometimes make the trek up there.

All of my time is spent pondering how to decorate and organize our new space. Is it sad that our family room will be the same color it was at the other house because I love that color so much? The kitchen is still up for grabs, but it's a nice neutral taupe right now, so it can wait. (The whole house is that color, and it's *okay*, but I can't wait to put my personal touches here.)

Faith picked out her bedroom color: Blue Sapphire. It's a light, violet blue. It picks up the color from her kitty quilt my mother made her. We are going with the black wrought-iron accents in her room. I started painting in there, and really need to buckle down and finish it so I can start painting the rest of the house.

I will probably get more done painting-wise when the kids go back to school. We are giving the elementary school up the street a try. We have actually heard good things about it. I plan to be super-involved in both classrooms this year, just as I was the past two years. I think kids can thrive at any school if there is good parental involvement. Emilio will be a half-day kindergartener this year. I am glad to not have to give him up all day long yet. :)

I fell off the health wagon the past couple of months with the stress of the move. While selling and moving, it was "eat whatever you can grab" and I feel sluggish and bloated now. I joined the brand new AJ recreational center to use the gym and I love it. My favorite part is the indoor walking track with gorgeous views of the mountains all the way around. Going there will be a 5 day a week thing once the kids are back in school! I can't wait!

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