Saturday, March 10, 2007

He went "at himself"....

Bubby was invited to a birthday party this past week. The birthday boy was a younger sib of one of Sissy's classmates. He and this boy will be in Kindergarten together in the fall, so I encourage the friendship now, to give him some familiarity later when school starts.

When told that Mama wouldn't be at the party, and asked if he still wanted to go, he exclaimed, "I will go AT MYSELF!" proudly. I was shocked, thrilled, and yes. A little sad. There is something both exasperating and heart warming about a little boy that doesn't want to leave Mama's side. Those apron strings audibly snapped that day as I watched him scamper off with all of the other little tiny boys to play.

(Just so you don't feel too sorry for me, 7 year old Sissy was practically in tears over me leaving the party and sat glumly until I returned. Apparently my apron is still snugly tied with this one.)

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