Thursday, February 22, 2007

Effeminate "piggies"...

Bubby and Mama enjoy storytime on Thursday mornings. Today's story had something to do with fingers and piggies. I can't explain it better, because I wasn't paying any attention during the story. I was staring, half-dazed at a light fixture across the store. (The sheer excitement of sitting quietly with no child demanding my attention put me into a sort of stupor.)

Craft time is Bubby's favorite part. The craft always goes along with the book-of-the-day's theme. Today, they were to trace their handprint. Cut out handprint. Glue handprint onto construction paper. After that, they were to color pre-drawn piggies. Cut out piggies. Glue piggies onto fingertips of handprint. The end.

It's not that Bubby can't follow directions. He just had to put his own interpretive spin on the project. He needed to draw a pig freehand, and cut and paste that pig too. (The pre-drawn pigs just simply weren't going to be enough for him.) I hadn't bothered to oversee what he was doing. I was now staring blankly at the chair in front of mine. (If no one needs my immediate attention, I sort of get set on "hibernate mode", like a computer. I am still turned on, but not in use. I am conserving electricity.) It came time to cut out all of the various objects and glue them on the paper. Bubby kept insisting that the predrawn (and his freehand pig) not be ANYWHERE NEAR his handprint. Whatever Dude. Just finish your project already. When he finished the fun with his gluestick, he presented his page to me. My son drew fingernail polish on his handprint. Not just *one* shade of "polish", mind you. TWO different shades, artistically applied the same way to each of the "nails". I was trying not to laugh when he proudly showed it to the storytime leader. She looked at it and then quickly at me. I shrugged. She smiled and told Bubby how beautiful the picture was.

Later, in the van, he was talking about how much he looooooooves his art project. I said, "Yeah! I really like how you put nail polish on your fingers!!" He was quiet for a moment, you could almost hear the wheels spinning in his little head. "Mama, those are *YOUR* fingers....." Um, yeah. Sure. Nice save, Kiddo. What can I say? My boy likes things to be embellished. Even "piggies".


Susan said...

Holy cow. I'm shocked by Emilio's penmanship. I wish Daniel wrote half that clearly. :P

Anonymous said...

TOOOOOOOO funny! My son wants to wear earrings. He is also intruiged by my makeup. I think they can't help it when they are that young and hang around Mommy a lot. It looks fun!

It's true, E is a great writer. And his pig is very cute, too!