Monday, February 11, 2008

The best weather...

is when I can wear flipflops with my jeans.

It's glorious outside! Dan took a day off from work after a looooooooong weekend doing army work. Puppies went to the groomer's. We went grocery shopping. I took a nap. The house is a pit. Life is good. (Back to the old grind tomorrow for both of us!)

The odd scratching in my throat and the fact that I have no appetite has me concerned that my long run with no illness is coming to a tragic end. Time shall tell.


marie said...

AHHHHHHHHGGGGGRRRR Don't tell me that. This morning at the bus stop it was 2. Yes 2. This AZ girl can't handle temps that cold!!!

Eurogirl said...

Poor Marie! I cannot imagine weather that cold, even though I was born in raised in it! :(