Friday, July 13, 2007

Tag!! I'm it!

A fun blogger named Chel is tagging everyone for a "meme" about Me and Hubby. Here goes mine:

#1: His full name is Danilo. I refer to him as "Dan" to other people. I have never called him by name in 13 years of marriage, because I can't figure out which name I should call him. So, he is "Hon" most of the time. He calls me "Hon" or "Ames".

#2: We really like to sit and watch "Jackass" reruns together when the kids go to bed.

#3: He gets really mad when he finds half-finished cans of coke in the house. I pretend I don't hear him when he complains about it.

#4: We never took a honeymoon or a vacation. We figure it will happen when the kids are grown.

#5: We don't like sharing covers in bed. He has his, and I have mine. Everyone is happy.

#6: He makes the coffee in the mornings. I never make it right.

#7: We are activity-opposites. He can't sit still and loves to work out. I could sit still all day, and workout only so that I still look good.

#8: I am his memory. I remember names, faces, places and dates for him. He cannot locate his wallet or keys without effort. Some of his fellow soldiers call me his "personal secretary" because I keep his life in order for him. My favorite times are the ones where he doesn't remember the name of a person that *HE* knows and I have never met. I will remember the name from just his mentioning the person and have to tell him.

#9: I love my hubby. We have been through all sorts of trials over the last 13 years, but I wouldn't change a moment of it because of where we have ended up!!

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